Ifs and Buts

There is an old saying that goes like this "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts it would be Christmas everyday." With that said my wife had been told a pretty big "if" about Wyatt. If, he responds well to PT (physical therapy) and speech therapy he may go home earlier than expected. They talk about either later today or tomorrow. Now here comes the but, he only had BRAIN surgery on Monday! I am not doubting the doctors and I know that they do not make decisions based on one part of the multi-level equation, so I am sure they are seeing his vitals (which are really good) and giving us the best-case scenario.
I know momma is nervous, so is dad who is going up and seeing him today after I get my blood-pressure and lab results from Friday (one good thing is that they didn't call me in to discuss them earlier, I am a proponent of the no news is good news theory when it deals with medical procedures. I know my BP will be a bit high but my doctor knows I am currently dealing with Wyatt and it will be understandable. I will actually be surprised if it isn't higher than normal... So after the doctor's visit my oldest, Nick and I will head to Charlotte and see mom and Wyatt for ourselves.
Well, the wash needs to go in the dryer and I am done rambling...

Looking Forward to Seeing This Guy!


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