Donuts for Breakfast!

We have certain traditions in our household and one of them is that I absolutely love is that I have a sleepover with Wyatt on Friday nights. The tradition is one of necessity and relief for Nick and Corri. When it became apparent that Wyatt was having nighttime seizures we needed extra monitoring for him and so we came up with a rotation of who stays with him each night between Nick and Corri every other night. I decided to take a night and made it Friday. Jule doesn't have a night because she does so much more with Wyatt throughout the day. I must backtrack and explain something. You might get this thought that dealing with Wyatt is a burden or a chore, NO, it is a labor of love. When you are a parent of a special needs child you understand that his needs come before other things. With Wyatt it stems from his seizures, they are so frequent and unpredictable that we are on constant watch out for them even when he is asleep so you understand our sleeping arrangement.
Usually our sleepovers consist of a movie on iTunes with Wyatt konking out after  about forty-five minutes so it takes us about three tries to get through The Santa Clause (which is a favorite, I know surprising that Pete's son like a movie by Disney about Santa Claus...) I then make sure he is asleep and then I check the scores and watch him through the night with my arm resting over him to make sure he doesn't roll out of the bed, then comes Saturday morning.
This Saturday started out like any other in which I woke to go and get his and mine meds along with making coffee for my two favorite girls and myself. Wyatt wanted to get up and see Mom and Cor' and because of his impending hospital stay he was saying what sounded like Donald but in reality was donut, we figured it out when we asked him " does he sound" which usually followed by his imitation of Donald Duck  followed by Goofy and Mickey. However, today it was followed by "eat..." this was when we figured it out that it was donut... (either that or he wanted Chinese food). So we agreed to head to Krispy Kreme with the family for a donut and drink. Which we did... and I think he liked it...

This is what it resembled before the gulping...

Peace out and thanks for listening...


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